Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hari Raya 2008, Bagan Serai, Perak

We left KL on Saturday, 27 September for Bagan Serai. It was my birthday.

There was nothing much to do. Anas and I decided to spend time fishing along the irrigation canal in front of my in-laws’ house. Earlier I went to buy 2 fishing rods, the ones like the bamboo type, retraceable to shorter length.

Anas Caught His First Fish

The Pro at work

For the first time in our fishing attempts, we caught quite a lot of fishes, mostly “puyu” (similar to blue gills). I caught some haruan (snakeheads) too. Anas was so excited of catching real live fish for the first time. Between the 2 of us, we caught about 20 fishes in 2 days of 1 hour fishing each.

The Irrigation Canal

The Other Side of the Canal

I wanted to have the fishes cooked but Anas insisted on bringing them back to KL.

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